About Me

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I have dedicated all of my time to the welfare, upkeep, control, future, problem solving, compromising, cleanliness, and order to my home, my children, my dog, my two cats, my two fish, and my husband. I have opted to put all my time, sanity, self control, patience, impatience, good grace, and stellar personality into this effort. I am happy to clean, willing to be walked all over, content to attend to my dirty duties, and totally convinced I have the best job in the world. Give or take a couple days.

August 30, 2010

...while picking up the pieces

So I sit here holding the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ziplock bags that are supposed to contain separate puzzles. As I handed Clara the box of different puzzles I shouted "don't mix them up!" Yes, to my three year old, I give those instructions. Like she'll say "sure mom, no problem, I got this under control, I'll do one at a time." I know as I say it that she is going to mess them all up for for some reason only God understands I let her take them all into the living room. I come back later to see them all over the floor and I know damn well I can't yell at her for it because she is three, I knew better, and it is my fault. So I am stuck down here separating the penguin pieces from the cat pieces, the flower pieces from the... what the hell is this a picture of?? Yes, there we go, all of them into one bag. Done. I have lost the desire to have all of them separate. Maybe in the future I will find the motivation to put them together individually so I can decide what piece goes with what puzzle. For now, however, I have a giant bag of six or seven puzzles in my basement.

1 comment:

  1. mine is a drawer. and closer to 10 puzzles. sarah, i didn't mention to you before that i think this is a fantastic and marketable idea for a blog. i am jealous i didn't think of it, honestly. keep going.
