About Me

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I have dedicated all of my time to the welfare, upkeep, control, future, problem solving, compromising, cleanliness, and order to my home, my children, my dog, my two cats, my two fish, and my husband. I have opted to put all my time, sanity, self control, patience, impatience, good grace, and stellar personality into this effort. I am happy to clean, willing to be walked all over, content to attend to my dirty duties, and totally convinced I have the best job in the world. Give or take a couple days.

June 11, 2011

...while sweeping the floor

Should I really be sweeping the dining room right now? its only 10am which means I have at least two more meals in here, Clara will probably want to cut out some more horse pictures, and Lyla's obsession with eating her oatmeal dry is sure to make this place a disaster again, so I should probably wait and do it tonight. Then again it only takes a couple of minutes. However, it doesn't matter how dirty the floor gets it always takes the same amount of time to sweep it which means if i sweep it now and then sweep it later I will be taking up more time which I could be using to get something else done, but if I wait and sweep it all tonight I can get it done and clean in one shot, so I would only need to sweep once. But what if someone comes over today? How embarassing it would be to have such a dirty floor! Eh, its already half way done, I might as well finish it. Hmm, should I continue on and sweep the whole house? Well if I wait and do the living room after Bella gets home...