About Me

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I have dedicated all of my time to the welfare, upkeep, control, future, problem solving, compromising, cleanliness, and order to my home, my children, my dog, my two cats, my two fish, and my husband. I have opted to put all my time, sanity, self control, patience, impatience, good grace, and stellar personality into this effort. I am happy to clean, willing to be walked all over, content to attend to my dirty duties, and totally convinced I have the best job in the world. Give or take a couple days.

June 6, 2013

...while observing my home

Right now Im feeling like my house isn't messy enough. It's at a point where all the rooms are "eh" messy, but nothing is "OH MY GOSH" messy. When things are "OH MY GOSH" messy, it's a lot more exciting to clean it because there is a wonderfully noticeable difference. When it is "eh" messy, there isn't enough of a change in the room to make me feel accomplished and excited. And who wants to be let down when hard work and effort can't be measured? Sweeping made a big difference. A room becomes livable if it is swept. But it wont look much different if I clear my desk, put the pile of socks away, straighten the pillows and change the ink cartridge in the printer. So what's the point? The floor in my laundry room is clear (gasp!) and I wiped the counters in the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher. I have some laundry to fold that has been sitting in the living for exactly 2 weeks, but is that really where I want to spend my time right now? It's only the girls' clothes and they will be able to finish the week wearing clean clothes. Plus, the baskets, although stacked, aren't causing a tripping hazard or blocking the TV. Dog could be washed, but he isn't too stinky. He's tolerable. I could clean my bedroom, but that wont make me feel like the house is clean. I'm at a loss.