About Me

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I have dedicated all of my time to the welfare, upkeep, control, future, problem solving, compromising, cleanliness, and order to my home, my children, my dog, my two cats, my two fish, and my husband. I have opted to put all my time, sanity, self control, patience, impatience, good grace, and stellar personality into this effort. I am happy to clean, willing to be walked all over, content to attend to my dirty duties, and totally convinced I have the best job in the world. Give or take a couple days.

March 20, 2012

...while feeding the fish

The lady at the pet store said that my x-ray fish will "do better" if I bought a second fish because they are "schooling fish". So, what if he stays alone? Will he get depressed? Is he going to refuse to eat? Swim circles around the tank in a state of neurosis? Mope along the bottom with a far off look in his eye? How will I know if he is doing poorly? I'm no expert, but he seems fine to me and I think he will get a long very well with one of those cool neon fish. And if he does die from a lonely depression I hope he gives me a sign because the friggin fish is practically invisible, and the last thing I want is TWO invisible fish taking up all the valuable water space. Having a fish tank is way too stressful.